There’s a French saying that states Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es, meaning tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. Truth be told food is one of the most important things you have to consider when talking about staying healthy or managing your weight.
Your diet is a consequence of what you eat, when you eat and even when you should be eating and don’t. Remember your body will always reflect your habits.
The best diet you’ll ever find is based on food diversion and hydration.
Staying Healthy vs Weight Management Diet
Many years ago, these goals were thought to have distinct paths in order to achieve them, but with knowledge evolution, it revealed to be easy being able to manage both. Meaning they work better together.
Regardless of your food orientation, when you follow the rules of general healthy eating it gets easier to manage your weight. Yet there are some exceptions to this permiss, for instance previous pathological disorders, such as metabolic issues. Otherwise it’s probably one of the most important factors leading to goal success.
Nevertheless as any other goal you set for you life, it crucial you stick to the plan, making little changes along the way, in order to optimise the result. That’s the tricky part I must say! As any other human being I too sometimes failed, until the will was strong enough to keep me heading in the right direction. I’ll be sharing my story with you, with the tricks and tips I found most valuable to apply. I’d love to have you around!