Presently being fit has less to do with a slim body, and more to do with a elegantly healthy perspective. Exercise is a really relevant factor influencing many aspects of our everyday lives.

I have experienced first hand the benefits of exercise, starting in college with a much more regular practice. Back then my goal was to gain weight, in fact I was eating well but because of exams stress was losing a lot of weight. To the extreme situation that I wasn’t able to be sitting for more than half an hour without pressure points marking my skin deeply. This was a crucial moment for me, since I had no diagnosed eating disorder, even ate very well, loved good food, yet I wasn’t heavy enough for my height. I remember that every time I came back home for the holidays, the neighbor would whisper in my back to my Mother ‘she is too skinny, take care… she is anorexic’. In fact I was already buying some t-shirts from the kids department store. Nevertheless my Mother always replied ‘you don’t see the amount of food she eats, it’s really impressive! She’s skinny because she studies a lot’. And joking with that situation I was labelled at home by my family as a ‘hard to financially support person’, due to the expenses my parents had to bare in my nutrition only. Food disorders are a really serious issues to consider, but that wasn’t my case. I relied on the trust and respect I felt from my family that I was making good life choices. This theme is really complex, and deserves a lot more dedicated space, than the one here present. As a health care professional, I can provide information if you’d like, please let me know if you’re interested in.



As any other young woman I was self aware of my body image and generally was kind of satisfied with it. But throughout time I came across different exercise perspectives and it wasn’t until I set healthy as my main goal, that I achieved my best ever results. Soon after a new mindset was installed everywhere, which combined health/wellbeing and fitness, wellness! It’s a concept that preservers once you choose to change your attitude towards life, little by little. Hope my life experience can help you. My journey can be yours! Please share!



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